I have known Sarah for several years and have discovered that she has an amazing ability to listen; and I have found that there are very few issues that she is not knowledgeable about. She has a caring soul and spirit about her that brings and instills comfort and safety in talking and sharing with her, and all things discussed are always kept confidential. She is knowledgeable in so many different aspects of life, and I trust her exclusively in any-and-all-matters. I feel that she has a very real grasp on dealing with life day-in-and-day-out, and her knowledge and understanding of the Bible, Who God is, how to put His Word into daily practice, understanding that our faith is all about relationship — relationship with God — Sarah makes it very real — at least to me in my life. Given the opportunity, I truly believe that whoever will let her work in their life will find that she will help make a great difference.